Sammy the skin cell just wants to be your friend

Friday, May 7, 2010 Leave a Comment
Apparently, children today are a lot more conscious of skin care than I was as a tot, because the American Association of Dermatologists has launched Kids Skin Health. The website is dedicated to answering kids' questions about piercings, acne, and tattoos; readers are guided by a friendly amorphous blob named Sammy the Skin Cell. (One reason Sammy says children shouldn't get tattoos? Apparently, they're "somewhat permanent.")
The site seems like a good idea, but it comes off as a little confused about its audience. Can it be that children small enough to like Sammy are also concerned about zits and whether they should get their eyebrows pierced? Regardless, the "For Grown Ups" section contains a wealth of skin care information, especially about common skin diseases like rosacea and psoriasis, complete with gross pictures of a variety of skin ailments. So next time you have a question about skin care facts, consider paying Sammy a visit.


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