Eyebrow Beauty: Choosing the Right Shade For Blondes

Thursday, May 20, 2010 Leave a Comment
Eyebrow Beauty: Choosing the Right Shade For Blondes Do blondes have more fun? You can be the judge of that, but in the beauty department, blondes can often experience barely-there brows — and that's really no fun at all. Blondes, however, are the only bunch that actually look better with slightly darker eyebrows. To try to go lighter or completely match your brows to your hair color can result in a monochromatic look. For the most natural effect, pick a shade one to two tones darker than the hair, matching the undertones of your brow product to the warmth or coolness in your hair color. Look for: light taupe, wheat, sable, ash blond, golden blond, lightest brown, dark blond, or soft gray.
There's a whole slew of blonde-appropriate brow shapers to suit your shaping needs. But to customize your brow color even more, work with two different shades to get the perfect one for you. You may even find that a darker shade will work best for filling in sparse areas, while the lighter shade will be perfect for sweeping over the entire brow to bring it all together. Stay tuned redheads, brunettes, and darker-haired beauties. I'll have tips for you, too, over the next few days.


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